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You're viewing The Simpsons- The Complete Season Two Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Simpsons- The Complete Season Two
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-03-01 16:08:39
Views : 20712
Deleted Scene Storyboard (Disc 4)
Go to the [Storyboards] for "Bart gets an F" in the [Special Features] section. Move until you reach page where the panel on the right is covered with a post-it note. Go to that post-it note. You'll get to see the storyboard for a deleted scene in that episode.

Additional Sketches (Disc 3)
Go to the [Language Selection] menu of "Bart's Dog Gets an F" and select the piece in his mouth. You'll get a sketch. On this sketch, select the head on the right for yet another sketch.

Go to the [Main Menu] of "Old Money" and move [Lef to select Grampa's fez. You'll get a sketch.

Go to the [Language Selection] menu of "Brush with Greatness" and select the painting. You'll get a sketch.

Additional Sketches (Disc 4)
Go to the [Language Selection] menu of "Three Men and a Comic Book" and select the paper slip the Comic Book Guy is holding. You'll get a sketch.

Go to the [Language Selection] of "Blood Feud" and select the eyes of the Olmec's head. You'll get Homer lay-out sketches. If you select the post-it note, you'll get more.

Thank You (Disc 1)
Go to the [Language Selection] menu of "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish" and select Blinky. You'll get an animated thank you note for David Silverman.

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